
ABVP Allahabad University Unit demands for abolishing CRET Level-1 in Favor of UGC-NET Scores for Research Admissions

Chhatraahakti Desk

The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) Allahabad University Unit demands the removal of the Level-1 requirement in the Combined Research Entrance Test (CRET) and the adoption of UGC-NET scores as per directives from the University Grants Commission (UGC) in pursuit of fairness and transparency within Allahabad University’s research entrance examination. The ABVP Allahabad University Unit underscores the simplicity and transparency inherent in the admission process aligned with UGC-NET guidelines. With UGC’s directive urging universities to integrate UGC-NET scores for admissions, ABVP urges prompt implementation of these guidelines by Allahabad University for the upcoming session.

The initiative resonates with ABVP’s commitment to effectively implementing the National Education Policy, as emphasized in its resolution passed during the 68th National Conference in Jaipur. The UGC has specified that for PhD admissions through NET, candidates in categories 2 and 3 will have their UGC NET scores accounting for 70% of their merit assessment, with the remaining 30% determined through interviews. This streamlined approach simplifies the process for candidates and obviates the need for multiple university entrance exams.

Alok Tripathi, Unit President of ABVP Allahabad University, expresses confidence in the UGC-NET guidelines, anticipating relief for candidates and enhanced fairness in Allahabad University’s research entrance examination. The ABVP Allahabad University Unit urges the removal of Level-1 from CRET and swift implementation of these new rules.

Ayushman Chauhan, Unit Secretary of ABVP Allahabad University Unit, highlights the potential of UGC guidelines to rectify irregularities in the research entrance examination and reaffirms ABVP’s commitment to advocating for student interests.

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