
Condemnation of Mockery of Ramayana at Ezhini 2K24 Organized by Pondicherry University’s Department of Performing Arts

छात्रशक्ति डेस्क

The ABVP Pondicherry University vehemently condemns the disgraceful incident that occurred during Ezhini 2K24, a department fest of the Department of Performing Arts, held on March 29, 2024. The event took a distressing turn when a play titled “SOMAYANAM” was staged, portraying a distorted and disrespectful depiction of characters from the revered epic, Ramayana.

The drama depicted Sita’s character as “Geeta” dancing with “Ravana” portrayed as “Bhavana.” Shockingly, the portrayal included Sita offering beef to Ravana, and during the scene of Sita’s kidnapping, she was shown uttering, “I’m married, but we can be friends.” Such flagrant disregard for the sanctity of the Ramayana and its characters is deeply offensive and disrespectful to the beliefs of millions of people who hold this epic in the highest regard. This malicious act to present Ramayanam is a well-planned act by Communist and Left-led outfits in Pondicherry University campus. Communist and Left-led outfits deliberately wanted to malign Lord Ram and question the sanctity of Maa Sita for which they had charted this play. Furthermore, in another disturbing scene, Hanumanji, portrayed as “Kanjaneya,” was subjected to mockery, with his tail depicted as an antenna used for communication with Lord Rama. These grievous acts not only ridicule the revered characters of Hindu Dharma but also incite communal disharmony by demeaning the beliefs and sentiments of the majority community.

ABVP firmly believes in the principle of freedom of expression but asserts that this freedom must be exercised responsibly, with due respect for religious beliefs and cultural sensitivities.While creative expression is encouraged, it should never be at the expense of hurting religious sentiments or fostering communal discord. In light of this reprehensible incident,

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ABVP Pondicherry University demands swift and decisive action from the administration of Pondicherry University:

1. Immediate dismissal of the writer and director of the drama, Pushparaj (MPA 1st yr) and the actors involved, namely Mithun Krishna, SreeParvathy, Adithya Baby and Vishakh Bhasi to serve as a deterrent against future instances of religious mockery and disrespect.

2. Stringent disciplinary action against Dr. Sharvanan Velu, Head of the Department Of Performing Arts and other faculty (who else are involved), for overseeing and permitting the production of the offensive drama.

ABVP stands unwaveringly in defence of the sanctity of beliefs and cultural heritage for all religions and thus demands the administration of Pondicherry University to take immediatea gainst the Urban Naxals of Pondicherry University for fouling the greatest literature of Indian

Culture – Ramayanam to restore faith in the Pondicherry University’s commitment to tolerance, respect and diversity.
