
Jamia Admin is on a witch hunt of students : ABVP

Chhatrashakti Desk

The university administration has breached the sanctity of a central university by taking a U-turn on the assurance of discussing the matter of CUET in the Academic Council, and issued the show cause notices to the students who protested peacefully. Jamia administration is witch-hunting the students by removing their results from the notice board. Nasir Khursheed, a 5th semester BTech student from the Department of Civil Engineering who also received a show cause notice, had his result removed from the notice board.

On March 15, 2023, the result list of BTech Civil Engineering 5th semester was displayed on the notice board, which included Nasir’s result. However, the next day, on March 16, the administration removed the result list from the notice board. On March 17, a new result list was issued at 4 pm, which did not include Nasir Khursheed’s result. The administration is mentally harassing and threatening Nasir to suppress the democratic voice of students.

Harsh Attri, State Secretary ABVP Delhi, stated, “The Jamia administration has downgraded itself on the matter of ABVP’s peaceful protest demanding inclusion of all courses in CUET for entrance in UG and PG. The Jamia ABVP Unit’s Secretary, Nasir Khursheed’s semester result is put on hold by the administration deliberately, although his result was displayed a day before and was taken down later purposefully. This has been done to threaten him and impose the mental pressure. This is a sheer mental harassment of the student, which may also affect his physical health. Other students are also facing mental trauma by getting targeted and witch-hunted by the dictator Jamia Administration. We will continue fighting for the rights until Nasir and the whole student community receive justice.”

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