
Resolution No: 3 Campus Activism- The path towards making of new India

University campus is not just a center of education but also a platform for an individual to have holistic development. In campus a student along with academics also develops the ability to observe and analyse the issue present in the society and thereby develops the quality of leading the society towards development. Problems existing in the campus will not only influence the students but also the society around the campus. As a result of these happenings, stdents empower themselves to transform into a social letter from the campus.

Students are citizens of today and not tomorrow. For them to be the change makers, it is necessary that they understand the issue and suggest a solution for the same. This quality must be inculcated in them from university campuses. The Government is also taking several steps to create such awarness among the students. As per the norms of NAAC in universities, the idea of linking students to society through internships is being promoted and programs such as “thinkering labs” where an analytical atmosphere is created for students and “incubation centers” are providing a platform ideas into business models.

There is a need for every campus to transform into vibrant campus.For sudents must focus on personality development, talent identification, leadership qualities along with their academics. One must also actively participate in sports and cultural activities and must participate in various workshops to upgrade their skills in order to contribute towards society and nation. Students Union plays a very important role in this regard. The main objectives of the student union should be to create a constructive environment in the campus and organise programs to provide a platform for students to showcase their skills. The Students union must be popular and an acceptable body in the campus.


Students should feel responsible not just for their campus but also towards the society. Students must rise above casteism, regionalism and should work towards the issue present in the society. Students for seva is one such platform which engages students in seva activities, Students learn about issues like health, education, women empowerment and safety, environment, water conservation and anti-drug campaign and should work to resolve these issues. This inculcates a leadership quality and volunteerism in the students. Students must transform their campus into a campus that sets an example of social harmony and are free of discrimination. With the same interest ABVP organises Anubhooti that facilitates students to experience the realities in rural areas. One such initiative is also being undertaken by students in IITM Mumbai under the GRA(Group for Rural Activites) which provides internships to learn and provide solutions to rural problems.
